As the announcement of the Captain bellows throughout the ship's comms system, there's nothing more harmonious to the ears of a Royal Marines Commando.
What's a run ashore?
Simply put, at some point in a Royal's career, we will spend some time of it ship-bound alongside the British Royal Navy.
In a Captain's mind, it's a time for everyone to hop off board at the next port, relax, unwind, catch in some sights, and return by 2200hrs.
In translation to a Royal's mind, it means go ashore, have a turbo hoofing time, consume as many "wets" as possible, upset a few locals, tell a dit or five, and of course, the perfect excuse to don the finest (or most outrageous) attire.
Most importantly it’s our time to forge unforgettable memories with comrades.
This is our memories....
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